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时间:2011-05-22 19:44 | 浏览次 | 已有0条评论

NEDAP AGRI offers innovative and sustainable solutions for automation of the animal husbandry worldwide. For more than 35 years Nedap Agri enables meat- and milk producers to use their limited resources in an effective way by automating vital processes such as feeding, milking and oestrus detection. By allowing individual animal management on large scale farms, higher production results per animal are achieved.

  NEDAP 农业部门为需要自动化畜牧管理设备的客户提供具有创新精神且可持续发展的全套解决方案。在过去的35年中,Nedap农业部门通过将动物饲养中的饲喂、采奶和发情监测等环节自动化,使诸多肉类或奶类生产商有效地利用了手中有限的资源。我们的产品通过区别管理大型农场中的每一头动物提高了它们的产能。

  Pig industry:


With Nedap Velos each gestating sow receives the right amount of feed at the right time. Not only does this keep your sows in good condition, it also positively affects your results. Feed represents a considerable share of the costs incurred by a sow breeder’s. Velos ensures the feeding process is controllable and as such contributes directly to your profits!

  Nedap Velos系统可以准时、精确地饲喂每头怀孕母猪;这样可以使母猪保持良好体况,从而改善您的生产业绩。对种猪场来说,用在饲料上的花销在猪场整体开支中占很大比例。Velos系统可以通过确保整个饲喂过程的可控性助贵公司增加利润!

Velos ensures that sows are separated automatically. Without intervention. Velos simplifies the inspection, selection and separation of each individual pig.

  Nedap Velos系统可以确保母猪会被自动分栏,无需人工干预。该系统简化了对每头母猪的检疫、选种以及分栏等工作。

Nedap Velos is extremely accurate. When sows become on heat, the system detects this at an early stage and reports it immediately. It alerts in good time that a sow should be inseminated.

  Nedap Velos系统精确度极高。当母猪发情时,系统会在其发情初期尽早地检测到它并即时发出报告,而且能在最佳配种时机发出提示。

  Feeding becomes more accurate with less effort, which means you provide better support for the sows when they are gestating: lower feeding costs and more piglets. Thanks to the simple layout of the stable class=font_14 and the efficient use of the feeding station, your investment is lower.

  本系统允许猪场雇用更少的劳动力、更加精确地饲喂母猪,从而在妊娠期给予母猪最好的呵护 ,进而帮助猪场达到节省饲料开支、出产更多仔猪的结果。

Since the beginning of 2008 Nedap has sold more than 18 projects in 9 different provinces in China. Today Nedap offers local product and sales support.


In China’s evolutionary pork industry, Nedap Velos ESF system is definitely enhancing pigs’ welfare, increase productivity of entire industry and improve livestock management level in China.

  中国的养猪业正处在蓬勃发展的变革期,我们相信Nedap Velos智能化母猪饲养管理系统必将在这一进程中帮助中国养猪业改善母猪福利、提高整体生产和管理水平。

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